sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Feng Shui

Feng Shui

What is feng shui? According to my experience Feng Shui means wind and water; it is a an ancestral system a of esthetic China that intended to use of layers of heaven and land; this with objective of improving the life by receiving positive “Q”.

Another meaning is that Feng Shui is an analysis about people’s home or office to detect places where there are energy problems (energy stalled or interrupted) and recommend how to correct them through decoration, the use of color and position of objects and furniture.

This ancient art and discipline framed in Taoist philosophy; it gives us the concepts and tools to locate, choose, and design our home in such a way that promotes success, health, wealth and happiness in our lives.

Cases about Feng Shui:

First case: Yalitza León Solis; she is 24 years old, she lives alone, and she has a bed in her room in the corner against the wall, and she investigated about Feng Shui and discovered that this position of her bed means few opportunities and loneliness. That’s why she decided to place the bed in another position, leaving space on the sides so that the wind flows.

Second case: Alejandro Mora Castro; he is 28 years old; he works from his home as a computer engineer and painted the home office where he works in white because according to Feng Shui this color is for people who are refined, intelligent, observant, more introverted than extroverted, competitive, retailers.

Third case: Sonia Villalobos; she is 57 years old; she just rented a new house, after taking a big decision in his life. She wants to harness the new garden of her home to bring new life to her life, that’s why she investigated about this topic and discovered that the vegetation must stay healthy: A landscape with healthy and balanced vegetation immediately transmit a sense of harmonic balance and prosperity. In contrast, the view of declining vegetation connects us with the negative aspects of life. Now she is happier.

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